
Summer of Stewardship 2023

Join Mid-Columbia Fisheries this summer to continue meaningful stewardship activities at our project sites! These events are family friendly, and include refreshments and snacks!

Eventi in questa raccolta

Nessun evento in programma

Segui Mid-Columbia Fisheries per non perdere mai un momento

Ecco cosa potresti esserti perso

  • Immagine principale di Summer of Stewardship: Sorenson Creek

    Summer of Stewardship: Sorenson Creek

    gio 3 ago, 15:00


  • Immagine principale di Summer of Stewardship: Wilson Creek @ RM 3.5

    Summer of Stewardship: Wilson Creek @ RM 3.5

    gio 13 lug, 15:00


  • Immagine principale di Summer of Stewardship: Yakima River at RM 160

    Summer of Stewardship: Yakima River at RM 160

    ven 30 giu, 09:00



Organizzatore di Summer of Stewardship 2023