Eventi arte Dublino, Irlanda
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Arti sceniche e visive
Lafcadio Hearn & W.B. Yeats: The Writers who Brought Japan to Ireland
sab 17 mag, 15:00
Farmleigh House & Estate
Lafcadio Hearn & W.B. Yeats: The Writers who Brought Japan to Ireland
sab 17 mag, 15:00
Farmleigh House & Estate
Nomads on Screen: Psychoanalysing the 21st Century Subject Beyond Borders
sab 12 apr, 15:30 + altri 2
DCU All Hallows Campus
Nomads on Screen: Psychoanalysing the 21st Century Subject Beyond Borders
sab 12 apr, 15:30 + altri 2
DCU All Hallows Campus
Gallery Talk: Exhibition walk through of 'Better a bare foot than none'
sab 12 apr, 12:00
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
Gallery Talk: Exhibition walk through of 'Better a bare foot than none'
sab 12 apr, 12:00
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
Ormond Art Studios Talk Series: Mary Kervick and Sinead Kampff
sabato alle 14:00
Studio 6, Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
Ormond Art Studios Talk Series: Mary Kervick and Sinead Kampff
sabato alle 14:00
Studio 6, Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
Ormond Art Studios Talk Series: Silvina Sisterna and Anna Stuart
sab 29 mar, 14:00
Studio 6, Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
Ormond Art Studios Talk Series: Silvina Sisterna and Anna Stuart
sab 29 mar, 14:00
Studio 6, Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
Panel Discussion: Better a bare foot than none
sab 26 apr, 12:00
Studio 6, Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
Panel Discussion: Better a bare foot than none
sab 26 apr, 12:00
Studio 6, Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
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