AISEM 2025 - XXIII Conferenza Nazionale Sensori e Microsistemi

AISEM 2025 - XXIII Conferenza Nazionale Sensori e Microsistemi

National conference of the Italian Association of Sensors and Microsystems

Date and time

Starts on Tue, 11 Feb 2025 12:00 CET


Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Via Sommarive 18, Povo 38123 Trento Italy

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 30 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 days 1 hour

Health or environment, safety or security, energy, automotive or food, it is nowadays very hard to find a sector in which sensors do not play a key, and increasingly pervasive, role. Their applications, nowadays often referred with the terms smart or 4.0 industrial revolution according to the specific sector involved, generally require a very fast technological handover from research results to the manufacturing levels.

AISEM is the Italian Association of researchers in universities, research centers and industries, working, since 1995, at improving and disseminating the science and the applications of Sensors and Microsystems in any scientific, economic and industrial sector.

11 Feb 2025. AISEM School - Via S.Croce 77

12-14/02/2025: AISEM 2025 Conference - Via Sommarive 18, Povo

Official AISEM 2025 cancellation policy (please disregard the one indicated by Eventbrite):

Cancellation requests received by 31 December 2024 will get a 50% reimbursement.

Cancellation requests received after 1 January 2025 will get no reimbursement.

(Please note that reimbursements are intended net of management fees).

Students are required to send proof of their student status to before the workshop.

AISEM2025 website

Organised by

€50 – €350