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  • Ages 18+

Unisciti a noi alla nuova edizione del BRAND+MEDIA MEETING il 9 aprile 2025, per esplorare il futuro di brand e media.

By Nextplora
7 years on Eventbrite 📈

Date and time

Wednesday, April 9 · 9am - 2pm CEST.


Hotel dei Cavalieri Milano Duomo

1 Piazza Giuseppe Missori 20123 Milano Italy


9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Welcome Coffee

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

Customers Love Us... Now What?

Marco Bertini

Building a strong identity is just the beginning. How do we ensure that brand equity flows to business success?

10:15 AM - 10:35 AM

Ribelli ma buoni da 100 anni: Loacker, che bontà!

Christine Vareschi

Evolvere il racconto del brand preservandone la “bontà"

10:35 AM - 10:55 AM

Qualità e filiera al centro del racconto di marca

Roberto Bellinzona

Rafforzare il legame con i clienti con autenticità

10:55 AM - 11:15 AM

Il riposizionamento di due Brand storici tra innovazione e tradizione

Anita Tononi

Immaginare il futuro con un pizzico di Magia

11:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Networking Break

11:45 AM - 12:05 PM

L'avventura di un lancio: qualità, storytelling e media mix

Giuseppe Fascia

Entrare in un mercato affollato con un posizionamento distintivo

12:05 PM - 12:25 PM

Il contributo dell'Advanced TV e del VOL

Emanuele Perucconi

Raggiungere i giovani con un media mix efficace

12:25 PM - 12:45 PM

150 campaigns later... Time to debunk some CTV myths!

Alessio Fattore

Diego Semprún

About this event

  • Event lasts 5 hours
  • Ages 18+

Organized by

7 years on Eventbrite

Nextplora is the Brand & Media intelligence agency.

For over 20 years, we have been providing useful information to improve the return on advertising and media investments for 160 clients. We have done 6,500+ studies in that time frame, and our clients were able to increase awareness, consideration, and sales, in every stage of their brands’ development.

Brand and Media Intelligence means generating useful knowledge for our clients, always keeping “the end in mind” about their sales outcomes, and always going “beyond numbers” to help them to take the best decisions.

With our studies and information, our clients can:

  • INCREASE ADVERTISING RETURNS: More knowledge at each stage about the potential of creativity and contribution of the media
  • INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS OF INVESTMENTS IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF MEDIA: More precision in defining the mix between classic and digital media in line with objectives and target groups
  • DEVELOP BRAND VALUE: More depth in designing, implementing and evaluating strategies and actions for the brand