Microsoft AI LAB: A Year of Generative AI

Microsoft AI LAB: A Year of Generative AI

Un anno di partnership, un anno di innovazione e opportunità di business. | A Year of Partnership, A Year of Innovation & Opportunities.


Date and time

Tuesday, February 4 · 2:30 - 6pm CET



1 Via Adriano Olivetti 31056 Roncade Italy

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours 30 minutes

Le potenzialità e l’impatto dell’AI Generativa sono ormai chiari a tutti, ma senza una direzione strategica rischia di restare solo hype. Come trasformarla in soluzioni su misura per ogni business?

Ad oltre un anno di distanza dal lancio di AI LAB (il programma di Microsoft sullAI generativa per le aziende italiane), la big tech vuole condividere esperienze e progetti che hanno davvero fatto la differenza in prodotti, processi e nell’approccio stesso al business.

In quanto partner di Microsoft, trasmetteremo in diretta streaming questo evento dedicato a:

  • casi concreti di aziende che hanno integrato l’AI generativa di Microsoft
  • formazione e reskilling dei dipendenti: come progettare piani mirati
  • novità Microsoft: demo e sessioni interattive


The potential and impact of Generative AI are clear to everyone, but without a strategic direction, it risks being just hype. How can you turn it into tailored solutions for your business?

Over a year after the launch of AI LAB—Microsoft’s program on generative AI for Italian businesses—the tech giant is ready to share real-world experiences and projects that have transformed products, processes, and the whole approach to business.

As a partner of Microsoft, we’ll be live-streaming this event, focused on:

  • Real-life success stories
  • Employee training and reskilling: how to design effective plans
  • The latest Microsoft innovations in Generative AI: live demos and interactive sessions

    The event will be in Italian.

Organized by

We are an innovation ecosystem and venture builder, spreading digital culture across various sectors. Our Campus is the only one in Europe where education, innovation, and startups coexist.

We founded H-FARM in 2005 to help young people, companies, and our territory tap into the huge opportunities of digital transformation. “Circle by circle,” we are building an innovation ecosystem driven by passion and excellence, where talented people and communities come together.