☀️ Summertime Mindfulness & Breath Work by the Danube

☀️ Summertime Mindfulness & Breath Work by the Danube

Come join us for a relaxing session of mindfulness and breath work by the beautiful Danube river this summer!

Von Enrica Scarpa

Datum und Uhrzeit

Sa. 27. Juli 2024 08:30 - 10:00 CEST


Lagerwiese Alte Donau - Exact Point Will be shared with Participants

An der unteren Alten Donau 1220 Wien Austria


Rückerstattungen bis zu 10 Tage vor dem Event


Welcome & Grounding

-Introduction and workshop overview -Setting intentions for the session -Breath work exercise to connect with the present moment

Sensory Exploration

-Guided practice to heighten awareness of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures in the beautiful Danube park setting.

Body Scan Breath work

Guided meditation focusing on relaxation and releasing tension through breath awareness.

Walking Meditation

A mindful walk along the Danube, focusing on the sensation of movement and the natural surroundings.

Mental Training & Connection

-Gratitude Breathing exercise to cultivate positive emotions. -Visualization with Breath to create inner peace.

Mindful Listening Partner Exercise

Practice deep listening and communication in pairs.

Nature Mandala Creation

Collaborative art activity using natural materials to connect with creativity and the beauty of nature.

Group Discussion

Share experiences and insights gained throughout the workshop.

Zu diesem Event

  • Eventdauer: 1 Stunde 30 Minuten

    ☀️ Summertime Mindfulness & Breath Work by the Danube

    Unwind, reconnect, and embrace the season with a unique workshop in the heart of nature!

    Join us for a transformative experience combining:

    • Mindfulness exercises to heighten your awareness of the beauty surrounding you.
    • Powerful breathwork techniques to release stress and boost well-being.
    • Mental training exercises to cultivate focus and inner peace.
    • Sensory exploration activities to engage all five senses and deepen your connection with the Danube's magic.

    Imagine: feeling the warm sun on your skin, the gentle breeze in your hair, and the calming sound of water flowing as you:

    • Discover the power of your breath to unlock relaxation and clarity.
    • Sharpen your focus through guided meditations and mindful practices.
    • Connect with nature in a whole new way.
    • Share and connect with like-minded individuals in a supportive environment.

    Led by experienced mental trainer and breathwork instructor Enrica Scarpa, this workshop is designed for a small group (max 8) to ensure personalized attention and a deeper connection.

    We'll provide:

    • A variety of breathwork and mindfulness exercises
    • Guided meditations
    • Sensory exploration activities
    • Healthy snacks

    Leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace the rest of the summer!

    Limited spots available!

    P.S. Bring a yoga mat or comfortable blanket to sit on, and a sense of adventure!

    Häufige Fragen

    Who is this event for?

    If you are seeking stress relief, nature connection, or support in life changes, this event is for you. With combination of mindfulness, breath work and community by the Danube

    What should I bring?

    Wear comfortable clothing suitable for sitting or moving outdoors. Bring a yoga mat or a towel to sit on comfortably. A water bottle to stay hydrated.

    Is any experience required?

    No prior experience is necessary. This workshop is designed for all levels.

    Veranstaltet von

    € 18